my mission

When we truly see someone, we open our hearts to being able to love them more deeply.

In other words, to see is to love. And to love is to see.

It is my mission to embody this seeing=loving principal in all aspects of my life.

This principal is my compass as a photographer, friend, wife, and mother. It is what I do when I am at my best.

Those periods in my life when I have not felt seen for who I truly am, or when I have chosen not to see myself, caused pain, discomfort, and disconnection. But I have come to see that those experiences have also been a source of strength. I have learned how necessary this clear vision, this true connection is.

It is my goal to create and tend spaces where you can be truly seen and feel deeply loved.

So the purpose of Miki DeVivo Photography is three-fold:

to create seeing=loving experiences for families

to honestly share my personal experiences trying to embody seeing=loving in my own life

to facilitate discussion and support other moms as they create their own seeing=loving practice 

We need to give ourselves this space.

How we see, directly impacts the way we love.

The way we love directly impacts the way we experience the world.

A slight shift in perspective can make all the difference.

When we choose to see this way, we realize that in each moment we have the power to create our reality.

Cultivating a Creator’s Mind in this way, brings us directly and immediately into seeing=loving.

Let yourself make this choice.

Let yourself look, linger, and love.