Do You Feel More Powerful Now

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed a young boy
Shot into his car window
on his way home from that party
So clearly a threat
To himself and others

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed a young man
His loose cigarets a real threat
To these criminal streets

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed that shadowy figure
Hoody up, walking home
The neighbors needed you
to watch out for that one

Do you feel more powerful now
That she “killed herself”
After being taken downtown
Her taillight broken
Her rage was clearly a criminal offense

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed hundreds of our black
brothers and sisters and sons and daughters and husbands and wives and aunts and uncles and grandparents and grandchildren
Over these hundreds and hundreds of years

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed their bodies
In hundreds of ways
Having criminalizes their bodies
Over hundreds of days
But sure, their music, their hairstyles
Look kind of ok
On your body

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed–
I take that back–
Having tried to kill their spirits
By breaking their backs
Under the weight of your power
And yet you must know
There is a power within them
that you will never touch

Do you feel more powerful now
Having killed the young child within you
That knew that the monster in the closet
Was made up by adults to keep you in bed

Do you feel more powerful now?